Programming Error on an Emailer Mod



When I run the below code I keep getting an error saying
that it cannot use the output to function right now or
that I am using a read only database. The querys by
themselves run fine and once in a while the Mod will work
fine. I think the code is running into itself. Is there a
way to pause the code or is there a fix for this?

Function emailer1()
On Error GoTo emailer1_Err

acQuery, "Non_Special_Delivery", "MicrosoftExcel
(*.xls)", "Apperson Chris", "", "", "Test", "This is a
Test", False, ""
acQuery, "Special_Delivery", "MicrosoftExcel
(*.xls)", "Apperson Chris", "", "", "Test", "This is a
Test", False, ""
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryUpdate_Sent_Non_Special_Delivery",
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryUpdate_Sent_Special_Delivery",
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Exit Function

MsgBox Error$
Resume emailer1_Exit

End Function

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