Programming the filter of a pivot table


Jean-Marc P

I just can't get through this ... I've spent hours on it & I'm sure it's very
simple !!

I download a (.txt) file with tons dates of events in it. Once this is done,
i run a macro that does numerous things, including filter the list & then
refresh the pivot table. Info that have been filtered in the list still
appear in the pivot table. How can I get rid of them ? (I join the part of
the code where I filter & refresh)

'filter the list to get the next 4 months
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=9, Criteria1:=">=today()", Operator:=xlAnd _
, Criteria2:="<=TODAY()+122"
'refresh the pivottable
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("Tableau croisé dynamique2").PivotCache.Refresh

Please help me !!

Bernie Deitrick

This works for me:

Selection.AutoFilter Field:=9, Criteria1:=">=" & Now(), Operator:=xlAnd, _
Criteria2:="<=" & Now() + 122

Jean-Marc P

The problem isn't to filter the list. Both your code & mine works fine. But
either way, when I update the pivot table related to that list, filtered &
unfiltered lines all show into the pivot table. I only want the ones in the
right date range.

Bernie Deitrick


Sorry for misunderstanding your question.

Insert another column into your database, and use a formula like


(this is assuming that your dates are in column I)

Then use that column (which will return TRUE and FALSE) as either a row or page filter, and select
only TRUE.

In code, you could do that like this:

Range("J1").Value = "Include"
Range("J2:J" & Cells(Rows.Count, 9).End(xlUp).Row).FormulaR1C1 = _

which will put that formula into column J, matching the entries in column I.

MS Excel MVP

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