Programming with Infopath



Hi ,

I am using Infopath 2003 and VB 2005. I am trying to create a program in VB
which will interact with Infopath.

I 'm having the XML and the XSN file saved locally in my HDD. How can I take
from this xml the values store them in a string (tab seperated format ) in a
database and then again read this tab seperated string and create the XML.

I don't really care about the XSN because it will exist in both of my
machines in the specific location of the HDD.

Do we have any code sample for programming infopath in VB 2005 ?

Is it possible not to have with me the XSN and create it dynamically from
the XML ?

How can I get the values from the xml , create the tab seperated string and
then do the opposite arround?

Generaly can infopath be automated ?

Thank you in advance for all your help

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

Just a tip to increase getting answers in this newgroup: It is best to ask 20
very specific questions than it is to ask 1 general question that contains
many different questions. People tend to skip over questions that are not
specific or focused enough.

To answer your questions:

- No, there aren't many VB.NET samples out there. You'll have to roll your
own code.

- No, the XSN cannot be generated from the XML. You must see an XSN as a
blueprint that contains all definitions and functionality to create the XML.
Without this blueprint, the XML cannot be generated.

- To create a tab separated string, you need to loop through all the
relevant nodes in the XML for your form and generate the string, using the
field values that are stored in the XML. To generate the XML from a tab
separated string, you'll need to have a record of the XML structure somewhere
and use this to generate the XML using the values from your string.

- Take a look at this article for more
information on InfoPath automation.

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