Robert Neville
I would like to show a custom progress meter while opening a report. I
have spent the last four hours reviewing threads about the subject;
and most threads did not apply to my scenario. My report has numerous
sub-reports and the code uses a SQLwith .execute statement, which
require a significant amount of processing time.
Most threads suggest opening a form and loop through a recordset;
thereby obtaining the min and max values for the custom progress bar.
Most people get by with Access's SysCmd. I have a vague idea on how to
proceed without looping the progress code somehow. The sub-report
contributes to the slow down. But the real culprit lies in the "Make
Table" SQL that takes 5 minutes to execute on a relative speedy
machine. In fact, the "Make Table" approach alleviates the
shortcomings in using a query with complex functions as the record
source; which took hours to execute as sub-report record source. The
code executed the "Make Table" SQL and set the sub-report recordset to
this table. The sub-report takes another 60 to 90 seconds.
Let me know if you have any suggestions and dealing with this
scenario. The code below shows the complexity of this scenario.
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Static fInitialized As Boolean
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim strSQL As String
Const cQ As String = """"
Set dbs = CurrentDb
If Not fInitialized Then
fInitialized = True
strSQL = "SELECT First(qryContProj.ProjID) AS ProjID, " _
& "First(qryContProj.JobTitle) AS JobTitle, " _
& "[qryContProj].[JobTitle] & " & cQ & ":» " & cQ & "
AS JobTitleLabel, " _
& "StringList(" & cQ & "[ContactName]" & cQ & "," & cQ
& "[qryContProj]" & cQ & "," & cQ & "[ProjID] =" & cQ & " & [ProjID] &
" & cQ & " AND [JobTitle]='" & cQ & " & [JobTitle] & " & cQ & "'" & cQ
& "," & cQ & " - " & cQ & ") AS ContactNames " _
& "INTO qryReport_rsubProjCont " _
& "FROM qryContProj " _
& "GROUP BY [qryContProj].[JobTitle] & " & cQ & ":» "
& cQ & ", " _
& "StringList(" & cQ & "[ContactName]" & cQ & "," & cQ
& "[qryContProj]" & cQ & "," & cQ & "[ProjID] =" & cQ & " & [ProjID] &
" & cQ & " AND [JobTitle]='" & cQ & " & [JobTitle] & " & cQ & "'" & cQ
& "," & cQ & " - " & cQ & ") " _
& "ORDER BY First(qryContProj.ProjID); "
Debug.Print "strSQL:» "; strSQL
dbs.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
Me.RecordSource = "qryReport_rsubProjCont"
End If
' Research on ideas for a custom progress bar
' varStatus = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, strString)
' varStatus = SysCmd(acSysCmdInitMeter, strString, intStatus)
' varStatus = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, intStatus)
' varStatus = SysCmd(acSysCmdRemoveMeter)
' varStatus = SysCmd(acSysCmdClearStatus)
' varStatus = SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState)
' 1) You open your form (ProgressBar) -> DoCmd.OpenForm "ProgressBar";
' 2) You Initialize your ProgressBar -> Call InitProgressBar(MIN,MAX);
' 3) You Update your ProgressBar --> Call UpdateProgressBar(Value);
' 4) You close your form (ProgressBar) --> DoCmd.Close "ProgressBar"
' UpdateProgressBar 0, 1, currentProcess&, overallMax&, "Extracting
AS/400 reason codes for charge-backs"
Set dbs = Nothing
Call ErrMsgStd(Me.Name & "." & cstrProc, Err.Number,
Err.Description, True)
Resume Open_Report_Exit
End Sub
have spent the last four hours reviewing threads about the subject;
and most threads did not apply to my scenario. My report has numerous
sub-reports and the code uses a SQLwith .execute statement, which
require a significant amount of processing time.
Most threads suggest opening a form and loop through a recordset;
thereby obtaining the min and max values for the custom progress bar.
Most people get by with Access's SysCmd. I have a vague idea on how to
proceed without looping the progress code somehow. The sub-report
contributes to the slow down. But the real culprit lies in the "Make
Table" SQL that takes 5 minutes to execute on a relative speedy
machine. In fact, the "Make Table" approach alleviates the
shortcomings in using a query with complex functions as the record
source; which took hours to execute as sub-report record source. The
code executed the "Make Table" SQL and set the sub-report recordset to
this table. The sub-report takes another 60 to 90 seconds.
Let me know if you have any suggestions and dealing with this
scenario. The code below shows the complexity of this scenario.
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Static fInitialized As Boolean
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim strSQL As String
Const cQ As String = """"
Set dbs = CurrentDb
If Not fInitialized Then
fInitialized = True
strSQL = "SELECT First(qryContProj.ProjID) AS ProjID, " _
& "First(qryContProj.JobTitle) AS JobTitle, " _
& "[qryContProj].[JobTitle] & " & cQ & ":» " & cQ & "
AS JobTitleLabel, " _
& "StringList(" & cQ & "[ContactName]" & cQ & "," & cQ
& "[qryContProj]" & cQ & "," & cQ & "[ProjID] =" & cQ & " & [ProjID] &
" & cQ & " AND [JobTitle]='" & cQ & " & [JobTitle] & " & cQ & "'" & cQ
& "," & cQ & " - " & cQ & ") AS ContactNames " _
& "INTO qryReport_rsubProjCont " _
& "FROM qryContProj " _
& "GROUP BY [qryContProj].[JobTitle] & " & cQ & ":» "
& cQ & ", " _
& "StringList(" & cQ & "[ContactName]" & cQ & "," & cQ
& "[qryContProj]" & cQ & "," & cQ & "[ProjID] =" & cQ & " & [ProjID] &
" & cQ & " AND [JobTitle]='" & cQ & " & [JobTitle] & " & cQ & "'" & cQ
& "," & cQ & " - " & cQ & ") " _
& "ORDER BY First(qryContProj.ProjID); "
Debug.Print "strSQL:» "; strSQL
dbs.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
Me.RecordSource = "qryReport_rsubProjCont"
End If
' Research on ideas for a custom progress bar
' varStatus = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, strString)
' varStatus = SysCmd(acSysCmdInitMeter, strString, intStatus)
' varStatus = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, intStatus)
' varStatus = SysCmd(acSysCmdRemoveMeter)
' varStatus = SysCmd(acSysCmdClearStatus)
' varStatus = SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState)
' 1) You open your form (ProgressBar) -> DoCmd.OpenForm "ProgressBar";
' 2) You Initialize your ProgressBar -> Call InitProgressBar(MIN,MAX);
' 3) You Update your ProgressBar --> Call UpdateProgressBar(Value);
' 4) You close your form (ProgressBar) --> DoCmd.Close "ProgressBar"
' UpdateProgressBar 0, 1, currentProcess&, overallMax&, "Extracting
AS/400 reason codes for charge-backs"
Set dbs = Nothing
Call ErrMsgStd(Me.Name & "." & cstrProc, Err.Number,
Err.Description, True)
Resume Open_Report_Exit
End Sub