In VBA on your toolbox you want to right click and (Add Addition Controls)
then you need to Select Microsoft ProgressBar Control 6.0 (SP4)
click ok and then add your progress bar where you need it.
the following code will Scroll a Textbox or Label or Caption.
l0012 = "Connecting To Database ." 'Put String Here
l0013 = Len(l0012) 'String Char Count
For i = 1 To l0013 'Dim i for Loop
l0014 = Mid(l0012, 1, i) 'Get 1 Char in String at a time
l0015 = (100 / l0013) * i 'Set Value for Progress Bar
Me.Caption = l0014 'Scroll Each Letter in String + 1
Me.ProgressBar1.Value = l0015 'Progress Bar
Pause (0.05) 'Pause
Next i 'Loop To Next
End Sub
Sub Pause(interval)
Dim current
current = Timer
Do While Timer - current < Val(interval)
End Sub