Progress BAR



I have a progress bar form that I created a while ago that consists of small
form with a narrow red label that is lengthened by syncronizing its Width
property to A LOOP parameter.

I want to display the progress of a precedure that imports 4 Excel named
ranges into Access using the tansferSpreadsheet method

Is there a way display the progress of each transfer. I know how to have the
progress bar display jump to a new position for each transfer, but not how to
display a smooth progress trsnsition for each tranfer


Is there a way to

Robert Morley

Unless the TransferSpreadsheet method returns some kind of progress itself
(which I'm 99.999% sure it doesn't), there's nothing you can do except jump
once per transfer. If the transfer could be broken down into smaller
transfers, that could also conceivably work, but would slow down the overall
transfer, and I don't believe you could do that without fully automating
Excel (which, while useful at times, is significantly more complex than the
simplicity of TransferSpreadsheet).


Tony Toews [MVP]

DZ said:
Is there a way display the progress of each transfer. I know how to have the
progress bar display jump to a new position for each transfer, but not how to
display a smooth progress trsnsition for each tranfer

Jumping is fine. That's never bothered my users.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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