Progress S Curves



I hope someone will be able to help me with this as i am fairly new to the
complexities of Project.

I want to create s curve charts which display 3 lines based on percentage
completions: Planned, Actual and Reforecast. The Planned should obviously be
a constant, with the Actual and Reforecast changing each time (or at
specified time, e.g. once a week) the plan is updated.

Any help would be much appreciated.


I hope someone will be able to help me with this as i am fairly new to the
complexities of Project.

I want to create s curve charts which display 3 lines based on percentage
completions: Planned, Actual and Reforecast. The Planned should obviously be
a constant, with the Actual and Reforecast changing each time (or at
specified time, e.g. once a week) the plan is updated.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Project doesn't have the capability to do S curves. But you can copy
and paste the data into Excel, which does. If you want the link to be
live, do a "Paste Special, Paste links".

Hope this helps in your world.

Jim Aksel

You may also wish to try the Analyze with Excel wizard on the Analysis
Toobar. This will let you export time phased data and allows you to select
the desired data for export to Excel.

Prior to Project2007, there is no visual reporting in Project.

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