"Progress" window


Don Edmonds

Hi again

When I hit the send and receive button I would prefer that the "Progress"
window automatically appeared -but I haven't found a way to set it to do
that (it did on Outlook Express on my old iMac) - is there a way?

Also (and more important the issue above) - sometimes the progress window
has a bit of extra information


But note that I said sometimes.

Sometimes it does not have the extra information.

Whether on not it has this extra information seems to be quite random.

As I still use a dialup I find the information useful ­ e.g. It will tell me
the name of a very large file that is taking a long time to send or receive
­ which can help me to decide whether to abort the process because the phone
line is required and do my send or receive later.

How can I make the Progress window ALWAYS display the extra information?


Don Edmonds
7 Rankin Street
New Zealand


"Progress" windowDon,

I've noticed the behavior you speak of. While I don't have a perfect solution, let me share my low-tech solution that seems to work consistently.

I leave my progress window turned off by default. My mail is set to send/receive upon starting Entourage. As soon as I start Entourage and pick the proper identity (I have more than one--you may not) I immediately hit Command-7. That activates the progress window and it will indeed give you the detailed download information (e.g. 1 of 7 and also shows the name of downloads, etc.). When it is done, I hit Command-7 again to close it. This behavior is left over from when I used to have dial up and I've just kept it up.

If you leave the progress window open, it only shows the overall progress.

If someone can figure out a script to do the same, I'd be interested. But then again, I am not "normal" in that I use separate identities--a feature that most people do not.


Hi again

When I hit the send and receive button I would prefer that the "Progress" window automatically appeared -but I haven't found a way to set it to do that (it did on Outlook Express on my old iMac) - is there a way?

Also (and more important the issue above) - sometimes the progress window has a bit of extra information



But note that I said sometimes.

Sometimes it does not have the extra information.

Whether on not it has this extra information seems to be quite random.

As I still use a dialup I find the information useful - e.g. It will tell me the name of a very large file that is taking a long time to send or receive - which can help me to decide whether to abort the process because the phone line is required and do my send or receive later.

How can I make the Progress window ALWAYS display the extra information?


Don Edmonds
7 Rankin Street
New Zealand

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