
  • Thread starter RuiSoares via
  • Start date

RuiSoares via


Sorry the way I write, but my english is poor.

I have the following module and I want to get a form with progress bar to
display to users the step of the job.

Sub ClimeSPVTG1()
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
MyBD.Execute ClimeSPVTG101, 0
MyBD.Execute qry02_ClimeHdrSPVTG102, 0
MyBD.Execute qry02_ClimeDtlSPVTG103, 0
MyBD.Execute ClimeSPVTG104, 0
MyBD.Execute qry02_ClimeHdrSPVTG105, 0
MyBD.Execute qry02_ClimeDtlSPVTG106, 0
MyBD.Execute ClimeSPVTG107, 0
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "TXT Files Export Specification",
"qry02_PrepTxtSPVTG1", "\\setp03iapl01\climestore\Data\Programas Locais\
AplicGeral\OutputFiles\Balancetes\Aplic03-SPVTG1.txt", False, ""
MyBD.Execute BridgeSPVTit01, 0
MyBD.Execute qry02_BridgeHdrSPVTit02, 0
MyBD.Execute qry02_BridgeDtlSPVTit03, 0
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "TXT Files Export Specification",
"qry02_PrepSarSPVTit", "\\setp03iapl01\climestore\Data\Programas Locais\
AplicGeral\OutputFiles\Balancetes\SAR-SPVTit.txt", False, ""
End Sub

Anyone can help me??



Quick way round this is to let the module increment the progress on the form:
To do this you can use the following guide:

Initially set the progress bar to 0:-

[Forms]![Enter Form Name]![Enter Progress Bar Name] = 0

After each of your selected queries you can use the same code above to
increment the progress control on the form by just replacing the 0 by a

There is another way but this seems to be overkill for what you are wanting
to achieve.

Hope this helps.


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