Lawrence Chen
We can open the Project in VBA, you may do the same way
in VB6 if you refer Project control in your "VB6 project".
filename$ = Application.FileOpen("Yuor ODBC DSN name\"
& "Your Project Name" , , _
, , , , , , , "MSProject.odbc", , pjPoolReadWrite)
If you try to access the data of Project Server which
stored data in MS SQL, you have to open ADO connection to
the SQL, then Update or Insert.
Office Emmaail is "Lawrence(aa-tt]tccon.com.tw
Please replace (aa-tt] with @ to prevent SPAM.
in VB6 if you refer Project control in your "VB6 project".
filename$ = Application.FileOpen("Yuor ODBC DSN name\"
& "Your Project Name" , , _
, , , , , , , "MSProject.odbc", , pjPoolReadWrite)
If you try to access the data of Project Server which
stored data in MS SQL, you have to open ADO connection to
the SQL, then Update or Insert.
Office Emmaail is "Lawrence(aa-tt]tccon.com.tw
Please replace (aa-tt] with @ to prevent SPAM.