Project 2002 Calendar


Robert Gwin

Is there a way to get copies of the standard calendar to
be updated when a change is made to the standard
calendar. It seems tedious to go back after such a change
and re-replicate that change throughout all calendars.



Dale Howard [MVP]

Robert --

When you make changes to the Standard calendar, any calendar for which the
Standard calendar is the base calendar should be updated automatically. It
all depends where you are updating the Standard calendar.

-- If you are using an enterprise environment with Microsoft Project Server
2002 or 2003, you must update the Standard calendar in the Enterprise Global

-- If you are not using an enteprise environment, but instead are using a
shared resource pool, then you must change the Standard calendar in the
shared resource pool file. You should also create an other calendars based
on the Standard calendar in the shared resource pool as well.

This way, any calendar based on the Standard calendar will be updated when
you change the Standard calendar. Hope this helps.


Hi Dale

Could you please let me know, where the shared resource pool file is located ?
I have a problem to find the place, where the nonworking days are stored that I've defined in "Tools -> Enterprise Options -> Enterprise Resoruce Pool". Could it be, that these working and nonworking days are stored in your mentioned resource pool file

Thanks in advance for your response

Dale Howard [MVP]

Sukru --

The Enterprise Resource Pool is stored in the Project Server database. If
you wish to enter nonworking time on a resource's personal calendar, such as
for vacation or sick leave, you must first open the Enterprise Resource
Pool. Click Tools - Enterprise Options - Open Enterprise Resource Pool and
check out the desired resources. Hope this helps.

Sukru said:
Hi Dale,

Could you please let me know, where the shared resource pool file is located ?
I have a problem to find the place, where the nonworking days are stored
that I've defined in "Tools -> Enterprise Options -> Enterprise Resoruce
Pool". Could it be, that these working and nonworking days are stored in
your mentioned resource pool file ?


Thanks for your Response Dale

I know where to enter the nonworking time. But I don't know in which database-table these times are stored
I thought that the selected nonworking-times are stored in the table "MSP_Calendar_Data", but unfortunately I couldn't find the previous selected nonworking-times there
Do you maybe know, in which database table these times are stored ??

Thanks and Regards



Ok, I made some litle progress.
If I set the nonworking time in the Enterprise-ResourcePool Project doesn't save these times in the Database Table "MSP_Calendar_Data". But if I create a new project and assign the resource, to which I assigned in the project bevore some nonworking-times, to this new project, I can see the nonworking-times in the database table "Msp_Calendar_Data".
This makes the suspicion to me, that Project maybe saves these nonworking times in a File, maybe the "Global.Mpt" ?
Does anybody know more about this issue ?

Thanks in advance for your help !!


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