Project 2002 crashes with shared resource pool



Here's the scenario:
We have several plans that go against the same shared
resource pool. At some point the files have become
corrupt, and MSP crashes when I save the file (resource
pool muct be open for the crash to occur). Reverting to
an earlier version of the files will work, so I suspect
some file corruption. I have also reproduced this in MSP

Have a workaround of copying contents of BOTH files into
new MPP files and re-linking, but this is really

Mike Glen

Hi Scott,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

If you suspect a corrupt file, you could try the suggestions in FAQ Item:
43. File Bloat? - Might be Corruption.

In future, try posting this on the project newsgroup, as this one is closing
down! Please see FAQ Item: 24. Project Newsgroups. FAQs, companion
products and other useful Project information can be seen at this web

Mike Glen
Project MVP


unfortunately, this was unsuccessful. I tried this with
both the shared resource file and the schedule without

I did realize that the shared resource pool and scheduler
were created with MSP 2002 and subsequently edited by a
user with MSP 2000. Could this be a source of corruption?


Mike Glen

Hi Scott,

Tracing problems with corruption in any program with any file is most
difficult if not impossible. The fact you have corruption needs to be
concentrated on and if starting again with backups removes corruption, then
cut your losses and go for it!

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


I agree, however this seems to be a problem for a number
of people.

Do you have any information regarding possible
incompatibilities among different versions of MSP? It is
possible that this file was started in MSP 2002, further
edited in MSP 2000 by another individual, then worked on
again in MSP 2002, where the corruption was observed.
Based on the prevalence of the various versions of this
product in the marketplace it is not unreasonable to
anticipate this type of corruption if MSP has changed

Thanks again.

Mike Glen

Well, Scott, I can't give a definitive answer. It is obvious that anything
created in 2002 will have 2002's faculties and if 2000 doesn't have a
particular faculty, it cannot use that and, presumably, makes some sort of
adjustment to its database. Then working back in 2002, it'll have to
readjust again. Seems to me that is fraught with opportunities for
corruption. Although projects can be read and edited in both versions, it is
never a good idea to mix them up. Do all your editing in one version and
use the other as read only. However, if you have to persevere, always make
a backup before converting either way, just in case. I would write this in
to the company's policy statement (you do have on don'ts you?)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

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