Project 2002 special report needed



In my project I have many tasks, sub-tasks, sub-sub-tasks,

I want to make a "to do" list for each resource that lists
the task hierarchy. In other words I want my report to
look like this:

Resource: John Doe
Week: 12/1/03 to 12/5/03
Task ABC
..sub task jkl
...sub task xyz design work - 8 hrs
Task GHI
..sub taks srt
...sub task tuv design work - 4 hours

The default reports do not give me the task hierarchy and
makes it difficult for the resource to figure out what he
needs to do.

Mike Glen

Hi Joe,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

I think this is candidate for some vba code - try the developer ng. Please
note the new Project newsgroup arrangements repeated in FAQ 24 - Project
Newsgroups, as this one is closing down. FAQs, companion products and other
useful Project information can be seen at this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on:)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

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