Project 2003 Calendar


Kat - UK

Can the Calendar in Project 2003 be used for up to 60 resources
simultaneously? i.e. I am starting a new project with 6 resources currently
and need a calendar facility that can be broken down in to 2-4 parts of the
day (e.g. am/pm or 0800-1000 1000-1200 1300-1500 1500-1700). I don't need
meeting times but I need staff to input locations and vacations). The team
will be around 60 in total. We used Excel in the past but this is
unmanageable with this number of people. Thanks


Hi Kat

why do you want to use project? is it for scheduling a series of tasks with
a definable outcome, to be performed by these 60 people (ie a project) or
are you looking for a good calendar tool. If the later - I suggest you have
a look at Outlook and the shared calendars.


Kat - UK

Hi Julie,
Thanks for the reply. It's for a combination of both. We have a specific
project and will probably have 2 or 3 projects running simulanteously with a
core of people across them all. Researching better options for maintaining
staff locations than Excel I came across the calendar option in Project which
I was previously unaware of. However the location of staff does not have to
be attached to the progress of the project. If you can suggest a better
option I'm more than happy to investigate it. Ideally I want a system that I
can input all details to show a week at a time and diseminate this info to a
wide network. The smaller the file and easier to read the better. Kat

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