JAJ said:
Hi - we are looking to create a 50,000+ line plan with multiple links -
likely to exceed 70meg. I am aware that Microsoft Excel has a limit on the
amount of data/size of a single file - can anyone advise if Microsoft project
is capable of this large a plan.
I think you can find the specs for Microsoft Project 2003 in the Help
file and my recollection is that it can handle up to (or more?) a
million records.
However, I would strongly urge you to rethink you plan. Will *people*
be able to handle 50,000 line plan? Project requires people to work and
50,000 just sounds orders of magnitude too many. Heck, just wanting for
the file to load and save could take more than most would be will to
wait! And what happens if despite all precautions the big file get
Can you not break the project down into pieces and keep each piece in
it's own Project MPP file? Use master and subprojects. Desing it so
that different people can work in different parts of the project by
working on individual files.
This seems, while within spec, completely unworkable and wondering the
practical value to the project. But I'm probably missing something.