Project 2003 Smoke Test Results



I ran a smoke test on Project 2003 server that has been in production for 9
months. Server RAM and Hard Drive space is very good. The smoke test came
back acceptable in all areas EXCEPT the resource ones. Those results came
back like this:
Script name Run Time
Login 5003.688
View Resources Open 5000.734
ViewResourceAvailabilityOpen 5000.364

So, to me this means that I have an issue with the resources? What do I do

Ben Howard

The issue is that these results in isolation mean nothing. The smoketest
tool is there for two purposes
1. After installation, as a way to verify that everything works okay and to
provide an initial performance baseline (prior to loading of resources, EOCs,
projects, assignments etc)
2. As an ongoing performance baselining tool.

Without other perf baseline information I would say these results are

Are you trying to diagnose your previous post re saving a project?


Yes, I am trying to diagnose my other problem. The smoke test that I
performed when I installed the server all looked beautiful, of course, the
schedules were all simple and not used much yet.

Ben Howard

So assuming that this slowness is caused by a general build of data over
time, have you ever cleaned up the PS database, eg Tasks, Resource task

Is it just this one project, or are other similar projects also taking 10
mins. Having multiple baselines, enterprise codes, and assignments will also
hit performance (more data to save).

Also, how long does a 10,000 task project without assignments take to save?

Can you diagnose where the bottleneck is, SQL, disk etc.

It may just be that a 10,000 task project is going to take 10 mins, actually
I'm not surprised at the time taken.

Thanks, Ben.

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