Robin Giltner
We have a project file, that we store on a SqlServer. I've developed a way
for the User to see a list of his/her incomplete tasks (tasks where
TASK_PCT_COMP < 100) and gave them the ability to update that value. They
change the value, it gets saved to the database. Then as part of weekly
maintenance, the ProjectManager uses the Thick client and downloads the
ProjectFile from the Server for reporting, editing etc.
There has been some oddities creeping up with tasks that are complete, the
TASK_PCT_COMP = 100, and TASK_PCT_WORK_COMP = 100, when tasks are added,
dates are moved etc, some, not all of these tasks change their values from
100, to maybe 50, or 0, it seems very random.
My main question is, is doing direct table updates to the TASK_PCT_COMP, and
TASK_PCT_WORK_COMP a feasable way of letting users update the Project Plan?
This is all done via a web page written in ASP.NET using ADO to access the
Project Database and make updates.
Robin Giltner
for the User to see a list of his/her incomplete tasks (tasks where
TASK_PCT_COMP < 100) and gave them the ability to update that value. They
change the value, it gets saved to the database. Then as part of weekly
maintenance, the ProjectManager uses the Thick client and downloads the
ProjectFile from the Server for reporting, editing etc.
There has been some oddities creeping up with tasks that are complete, the
TASK_PCT_COMP = 100, and TASK_PCT_WORK_COMP = 100, when tasks are added,
dates are moved etc, some, not all of these tasks change their values from
100, to maybe 50, or 0, it seems very random.
My main question is, is doing direct table updates to the TASK_PCT_COMP, and
TASK_PCT_WORK_COMP a feasable way of letting users update the Project Plan?
This is all done via a web page written in ASP.NET using ADO to access the
Project Database and make updates.
Robin Giltner