Project 2007 Bugs


Jack Dahlgren

BillB said:
My problem: I use the subfields of the assignment record to store data. In
2007 those fields, Flagn, Numbern, EnterpriseNumbern don't maintain their
values in a dependable way. If a project is created in 2007 and saved in
2003 format, fields are often set to 0 in a way that I can't see any logic
behind. Also, the Textn fields are bound to the Textn fields in the Task
level, so that I can't assign a value to an Assignment.Text1 field that
isn't in the Task.Text1 field list.

Is there any way besides the foolish Feedback screen to report bugs in
Project 2007 to MS? I tried calling them and after two hours on the phone
and through several emails the only thing that was established was that
don't support any solutions via VBA. A posting on the Feedback screen
generates no replies after a month. Do they care at all about bugs in
Project? I'm in a position of telling all my clients to not use Project
until a service pack comes out that fixes these problems.

I can say that this is a known problem and I believe there may even be a
hotfix for this. Leave VBA out of it as it only confuses people.

Take a look here and see if it describes what you are experiencing:

-Jack Dahlgren


My problem: I use the subfields of the assignment record to store data. In
2007 those fields, Flagn, Numbern, EnterpriseNumbern don't maintain their
values in a dependable way. If a project is created in 2007 and saved in
2003 format, fields are often set to 0 in a way that I can't see any logic
behind. Also, the Textn fields are bound to the Textn fields in the Task
level, so that I can't assign a value to an Assignment.Text1 field that
isn't in the Task.Text1 field list.

Is there any way besides the foolish Feedback screen to report bugs in
Project 2007 to MS? I tried calling them and after two hours on the phone
and through several emails the only thing that was established was that they
don't support any solutions via VBA. A posting on the Feedback screen
generates no replies after a month. Do they care at all about bugs in
Project? I'm in a position of telling all my clients to not use Project 2007
until a service pack comes out that fixes these problems.

Jack Dahlgren

What is your looping through assignments problem? I didn't see it posted



I don't think any of the hotfixes I could find apply to my situation. And
apparently, no one at MS gives a hoot about it. I don't know how to even get
a bug report through to them at this point. I posted a Feedback on a related
issue ("Looping Through Assignments" was the post) and no one ever even
looked at it. Why set up a Feedback system when no one seems to monitor it?
All of MS's effort seems to be locked into Project Server-related problems.
They don't seem to be applying any effort to Pro or Standard. I wait (pray)
for a service pack that will take care of my issue because I've been looking
at this for a month and I just can't seem to find a work-around.




I posted it back in early July. I've reproduced it below. Since then I've
tried to replace the regular values with EnterpriseNumbern values since
Project 2007 seems to have trouble keeping track of the values when a 2003
project is opened in 2007. I need to be able to have the projects work in
both systems so I need to find assignment subfields that work in both (and
in 2002 as well). I always used the Flagn and Numbern fields before and they
worked fine.

You can experiment by creating a project in 2003, one task, one assignment.
Display the Task uasage view and add a column for Flag10. Set to to Yes for
the assignment and save. Open the project in 2007 and the flag is No. If you
use Flag1 it preserves the value.



Just so I know it's not me, could someone out there try the following?

Create a new project in MSP 2007 Pro. One work resource assigned to one
task (one unit).

Create a module in the project and paste in the following code:


Function tfl(b As Boolean) As Integer
tfl = IIf(b, 1, 0)
End Function

Sub WriteVals()
Dim t As Task, a As Assignment, i
For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks
Debug.Print t.ID
'For i = 0 To t.Assignments.Count - 1
'Set a = t.Assignments(i + 1) '
For Each a In t.Assignments
With a
Debug.Print .ResourceName
Debug.Print "Names" & vbTab & "1" & vbTab & "2" & vbTab &
"3" & vbTab & "4" & vbTab & "5" & vbTab & "6" & vbTab & "7" & vbTab & "8" &
vbTab & "9" & vbTab & "10" & vbTab & vbTab & "11" & vbTab & "12" & vbTab &
"13" & vbTab & "14" & vbTab & "15" & vbTab & "16" & vbTab & "17" & vbTab &
"18" & vbTab & "19" & vbTab & "20"
Debug.Print "Flags" & vbTab & tfl(.Flag1) & vbTab &
tfl(.Flag2) & vbTab & tfl(.Flag3) & vbTab & tfl(.Flag4) & vbTab &
tfl(.Flag5) & vbTab & tfl(.Flag6) & vbTab & tfl(.Flag7) & vbTab &
tfl(.Flag8) & vbTab & tfl(.Flag9) & vbTab & tfl(.Flag10) & vbTab & vbTab &
tfl(.Flag11) & vbTab & tfl(.Flag12) & vbTab & tfl(.Flag13) & vbTab &
tfl(.Flag14) & vbTab & tfl(.Flag15) & vbTab & tfl(.Flag16) & vbTab &
tfl(.Flag17) & vbTab & tfl(.Flag18) & vbTab & tfl(.Flag19) & vbTab &
Debug.Print "Numbers" & vbTab & .Number1 & vbTab &.Number2 &
vbTab & .Number3 & vbTab & .Number4 & vbTab & .Number5 & vbTab & .Number6 &
vbTab & .Number7 & vbTab & .Number8 & vbTab & .Number9 & vbTab & .Number10 &
vbTab & vbTab & .Number11 & vbTab & .Number12 & vbTab & .Number13 & vbTab &
..Number14 & vbTab & .Number15 & vbTab & .Number16 & vbTab & .Number17 &
vbTab & .Number18 & vbTab & .Number19 & vbTab & .Number20
End With
'Next i
Next a
Next t
End Sub

Sub SetVals()
Dim t As Task, a As Assignment
Set t = ActiveProject.Tasks(1)
For Each a In t.Assignments
With a
.Flag1 = True
.Flag2 = True
.Flag3 = True
.Flag4 = True
.Flag5 = True
.Flag6 = True
.Flag7 = True
.Flag8 = True
.Flag9 = True
.Flag10 = True
.Flag11 = True
.Flag12 = True
.Flag13 = True
.Flag14 = True
.Flag15 = True
.Flag16 = True
.Flag17 = True
.Flag18 = True
.Flag19 = True
.Flag20 = True
.Number1 = 1
.Number2 = 1
.Number3 = 1
.Number4 = 1
.Number5 = 1
.Number6 = 1
.Number7 = 1
.Number8 = 1
.Number9 = 1
.Number10 = 1
.Number11 = 1
.Number12 = 1
.Number13 = 1
.Number14 = 1
.Number15 = 1
.Number16 = 1
.Number17 = 1
.Number18 = 1
.Number19 = 1
.Number20 = 1
End With
Next a
End Sub


Run the SetVals sub to set number and flag fields in the assignment.
Save the project in 2003 format and reopen.
Then run the WriteVals sub twice, once with the indexed for loop and
once with the for ... next loop.
I get different values depending on which loop I use. The indexed loop
gives invalid results even with a single resource.

Can anyone else reproduce this? And if it is a problem, can I be sure
that the for each loop will pass through the assignments in the same order
every time?

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