Project 2007 SP1 crashes



To overcome the problem of our business having version Project 2007
(12.0.4518.1014) MSO (12.0.4518.1014) and our training partner having Project
2007 education version with a version number of Project 2007 (12.0.4518.1014)
MSO (12.0.6017.5000) with the accompanying problem of these 2 versions having
different features, we downloaded SP1.

After installing SP1 we created some macros and made other changes and every
time we tried to save to the global.mpt file, the program crashes. Also, it
still has the 'creating calendars' problem (we can only choose 'Gregorian
calendar') whereas our training partner has many calendars to choose from and
the problem of different 'tools/options'.



Hello GR,

To the best of my knowledge, there are no functional differences
between educational versions of a product and the retail versions.
The difference is in the pricing and volume licensing. For questions
about licensing, I suggest contacting your reseller.

You note a difference in "change working time" and "tools options" --
can you be more specific in what you see differently?

You mention you can only select the Gregorian calendar but your
training partner can select others. I think you may be trying to
compare two different things -- Gregorian calendar choice is the
Calendar type on the View tab of the Tools > Options dialog box. It
is *not* how you create additional calendars. To create additional
base calendars (task calendars, project calendars), you choose Tools >
Change working time.

It's tough to tell what else is going on as you don't specifically
state what your macros are doing and what "other changes" you are
trying to make to the global template. Give us a bit more information
and perhaps we can be of more help.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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about Microsoft Project

On Target

Hi Julie

WHat GR was trting to explain is cahnges made to new or customised menus are
not being saved to the global.mpt.
They are using 2007 standard with SP1. On closing Project the system
crashed during the global save hence cganges are not kept as per previous
versions. ON a stand alone system on closing does not always crash but does
not save any menu/macro changes on close and reopen.


Thank you JLM for the comments. I assume the crashing on close is
reproducible on several different computers? As you note, menu
changes and macros are by default stored in the Global.mpt file and if
the system crashes before a "clean" shut down the changes are not
written to global. I assume you have tried breaking the macros and
menu changes into small pieces and trying to isolate what specifically
is causing the crash. I assume you have tried different user logins? I
assume you have tried to repair the installation? Again, without
specific details of what the macros attempt to do, it is very
difficult to troubleshoot in other than generalities.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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about Microsoft Project

On Target

HI JulieS

Thanks for the response. This has been tried on sytem on a general network
and each crash. I have also tried it on a stand alone PC.

The only chages made to macros was an update to a path.

I created a test menu and when I reopen it has disappeared,

I have repaired and done diagnostics. We just cannot get any global changes
to save in 2007.

The menu system and macros were created in Project 2002, the global can be
copied and is read in 2007 standard when opened but changes just do not

On the network the ststem crashes on each close. On my stand alone is
crashed 3 out of 4 times but even the time it does not chashed changes are
not saved to the global template.

Hope this help gives more information to help me solve this costly problem

Many thanks


Hello JLM,

Were you ever able to get Project 2007 stable before trying to use the
macros and menu changes? In other words, a clean installation of MS
Project 2007 -- without the 2002 macros in Global -- was it stable?
I'm not sure I follow your comment that the "only changes made to
macros was an update to a path" -- did you alter the macro in 2007 or
did the original macro change a path? Posting the code of the macro
may also help to troubleshoot. It's possible the macro makes some
call which is no longer valid in 2007 -- although I can't imagine what
that is.

I suggest a clean installation of Project 2007 with SP-1. Do not
attempt to use the 2002 macros until you can determine that 2007 is
stable. Can you make a simple change within 2007 (create a view for
example) and copy that change to global. Exit Project -- is the
change written to global? If Project 2007 is stable on you system
without the 2002 changes, then clearly the issue is the macro and
global template you are attempting to use. You may have to re-create
the macros using Project 2007 and not attempt to re-use the 2002 code.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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about Microsoft Project

On Target

Hello JulieS
I have performed the following tests:

On two stand alone PC’s
I have start with Project 2007 non SP1, created a macro to change views,
then create a menu and added this macro to the menu, this save on closed and
remained on opening, I removed all the changes

I then upgraded Project 2007 with SP1, created a macro to change views, then
create a menu and added this macro to the menu, this save on closed and
remained on opening. I removed all the changes

I rep[laced the global with my global created in 2002. Project opened with
the menus, and macros in 2002 template. I created a macro to change views,
then create a menu and added this macro to the menu, I closed, it saved the
global template. ON opening none of the changes were saved.

On VHR (Client with internal network) Project standard I had the same
repeated and got the some result.

WOuld appreciate your thoughts


Hello JLM,

If I understand your comments below correctly, it sounds as though the
problem is clearly with *something* going on in your copy of the 2002
Global.mpt file. You were able to create and save macros and menu
changes in the native 2007 Global.mpt file apparently without
difficulty. Is the 2002 file an add-in from a vendor? If so, the
first thing I would do is contact the vendor and see if they have
updated the add-in for 2007

Again, it is impossible for me to guess precisely what is going on
with the 2002 global.mpt file. As a suggestion: save the 2002 copy
of the global.mpt file with another name. Open that file on the 2007
machine and I would selectively copy (using the Organizer) and test
each item to try to discover which item from the 2002 template file is
causing the problem. I don't know how much work this is going to
entail and it may be easier, faster, and more stable to re-create the
macros, views, and menu items in Project 2007.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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about Microsoft Project

On Target said:
Hello JulieS
I have performed the following tests:

On two stand alone PC's
I have start with Project 2007 non SP1, created a macro to change
then create a menu and added this macro to the menu, this save on
closed and
remained on opening, I removed all the changes

I then upgraded Project 2007 with SP1, created a macro to change
views, then
create a menu and added this macro to the menu, this save on closed
remained on opening. I removed all the changes

I rep[laced the global with my global created in 2002. Project
opened with
the menus, and macros in 2002 template. I created a macro to change
then create a menu and added this macro to the menu, I closed, it
saved the
global template. ON opening none of the changes were saved.

On VHR (Client with internal network) Project standard I had the
repeated and got the some result.

WOuld appreciate your thoughts


JulieS said:
Hello JLM,

Were you ever able to get Project 2007 stable before trying to use
macros and menu changes? In other words, a clean installation of
Project 2007 -- without the 2002 macros in Global -- was it stable?
I'm not sure I follow your comment that the "only changes made to
macros was an update to a path" -- did you alter the macro in 2007
did the original macro change a path? Posting the code of the
may also help to troubleshoot. It's possible the macro makes some
call which is no longer valid in 2007 -- although I can't imagine
that is.

I suggest a clean installation of Project 2007 with SP-1. Do not
attempt to use the 2002 macros until you can determine that 2007 is
stable. Can you make a simple change within 2007 (create a view
example) and copy that change to global. Exit Project -- is the
change written to global? If Project 2007 is stable on you system
without the 2002 changes, then clearly the issue is the macro and
global template you are attempting to use. You may have to
the macros using Project 2007 and not attempt to re-use the 2002

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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about Microsoft Project

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