I am evaluating a free trial download of Project 2007 Standard. Part of the
evaluation is to share a sample Gantt chart with my customer for
compatability. My customer uses Project 2000-2003. I have saved the project
down as a 2003 version and also as .xml but my customer is unable to open any
version sent. Is the trial version encrypted to prevent sharing? Not having
the ability to share this chart defeats the purpose of the evaluation and
makes it doubtful that we will purchase MS-Project.
evaluation is to share a sample Gantt chart with my customer for
compatability. My customer uses Project 2000-2003. I have saved the project
down as a 2003 version and also as .xml but my customer is unable to open any
version sent. Is the trial version encrypted to prevent sharing? Not having
the ability to share this chart defeats the purpose of the evaluation and
makes it doubtful that we will purchase MS-Project.