Project 2010 - Possible to fix task budget?

  • Thread starter Thomas Bräutigam
  • Start date

Thomas Bräutigam

Hi all,

one question regarding the new Project 2010.
Is it possible to fix a maximum of hours for a task or assignment, so
that the budgte cannot be "over"-booked?

For example a resource has only 20hours for task A and so this
resource can max. book 20 hours or less to fulfill this task in the


Andrew Lavinsky

I haven't seen anything like this functionality - and I honestly can't see
why anyone would really want it. Don't you want to track your overruns and
where your resources are spending your time? I'd just slap a custom field
on the task to alert me when it's running a Work Variance (or not even bother
as I could just create a view sorted by Work Variance.)

That being said, you'll have better luck with this sort of question on the
dedicated 2010 forums:,projectprofessional2010

- Andrew Lavinsky

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