:Project and Access. : outputing timephased data.


stuart block

Can anyone please help me.

I am using Project 2000 and Access 2003.

My situation is that I control between 50 and 100 projects.

Management want to be able to see information for resource level or project

I have created a Project MPD file. this works fine.

What I want is a query in access or a vba macro that will give me, eg.

Project Name : Resource Name : Wk Start : Hours : Cost

Project1 : John Smith : 04june2005 : 36 : 360
Project1 : John Smith : 11june2005 : 36 : 360


So that I can generate query's / report to give management the information
that they require.


Ed Morrison

You may want to look into Project Server 2003. Its was designed to give you
the type of information you are looking for.

stuart block

thanks Ed for your quick reply. The company I work for are not willing to
spend out money on Project Server 2003.

So relooking at the problem, I need a VBA solution.


Ed Morrison

If the schema is the save as the Project part of the Project Server 2003
database, then try the following query:

select p.proj_name, r.res_name, min(assn_start_date) start_date,
sum(assn_work/60000) as work, sum(assn_work/60000) * avg(rr_std_rate) as
from msp_projects p
inner join msp_resources r on r.proj_id=p.proj_id
inner join msp_tasks t on t.proj_id=p.proj_id
inner join msp_assignments a on a.task_uid=t.task_uid
and a.proj_id=t.proj_id
inner join msp_resource_rates rr on rr.res_uid=r.res_uid
and rr.proj_id=r.proj_id
where res_name is not null
group by p.proj_name, r.res_name

Ed Morrison
"We wrote the books on Project Server"
FAQ - http://www.projectserverexperts.com

stuart block

Thanks Ed, but is for a query in Access ? As I don't have project server
2003, only project 2000.


stuart block

Thanks Ed,

Your answer looks like SQL, I copied this in to the SQL view of a query. But
as soon as it is run then it falls over on the first line. with this error

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression

Regards SB

stuart block

Thanks for the change. It went passed that error.

I am really lost in SQL, I am only just learning VBA.


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