Project calendar doesn't apply to tasks



I configured a custom calendar with all Sundays be working days and
Fridays be non-working days, and assigned it a name. Then, I
configured my project to use this calendar. Now, when I add tasks,
they use Friday as a working day (wrong), Saturday as non-working
(default) and Sunday as working day (correct). Looking at the task
info (advanced tab), all tasks appear as using no calendar (none).
Only when I specify for each task that it should use the custom
calendar (the one I configured my project to use), it works ok. This
is quite annoying, 'cause it forces me to remember to apply the custom
calendar for each new task I add, and causes errors when I forget to
do so.


Gérard Ducouret

Hello Careta

Instead of assigning the custom calendar to each task, you'd assign it to
each resource in the Resource sheet : View / Resource sheet. last colum
Tell us if it works !

Gérard Ducouret


it works! thanks. Actually, once you mention it, it really makes
much more sense to assign a calendar to resources. In any case, if I
set a sepcific calendar to a project, it should have been the base
calendar unless a resource or even a task overrides it.


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