Project Calender and working time




I work with MS Projecr 2003 standard.

I have set up a group of subprojects, one file each. They
all work with one resourcepool.
I have defined an projectcalender for the project. I
defined it in projectinformation - projectcalender. The
whole july is working days. BUT the program still set all
days in july as not working days. The program seems to
look at the standard calender in some way.

Can anyone give me a tip ?


Daniel Zitter - Matan Consulting

Lennart Hello,

Do you have resorces assigned to your tasks in July? If you do, make sure
that the resorces are assigned to the calender you created rather than the
standared one. You can do this by openning the Resource pool, and changing
the Base Calender for your resources to be your new updated calender.

Hope this helps,


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