Make sure you open each project, insert the new project text column on the
project plan to make sure it is showing the correct date value to get the
data out there or else you will see nothing or an error. Then when you save
and close it will push the new data out.
If you do not have auto calculate on in Tools>Options>Calculation tab then
you will have to hit F9 to calculate the new value. From then on if the
Start of Finish date changes in the project plan, the new date will be
pushed out to the Starts and Finishes every time the project is Saved.
I tested it last night before I sent the instructions to you and it worked
fine. I can send you the screen shot if you like.
Jonathan Sofer - MCP
PM Consultant
PCubed - Program Planning Professionals
eReader said:
Thanks for the idea but it didn't work, displaying NA in Starts and
Jonathan Sofer - MCP said:
Hi eReader and Elvira,
Here is a solution that works but requires the use of a Project Level
Custom Text field.
1) Log into Project Pro as an administrator
2) Open up the Enterprise global: Tools>Enterprise Options>Open
Enterprise Global
3) Go to Tools>Customize>Enterprise Fields...
4) Naviaget to Custom Project Text fields.
5) Take the next available Text Field and rename it "Starts" you need
the 's' at the end because you can't have two fields with the same
value and Start already exists.
6) Click the Formula button and put the following in:
7) Do the same thing for Finish with the next available Text Field,
renaming it "Finishes" and the making the formula:
8) Save and Close the Enterprise Global file.
9) Exit Project Professional
10) Log back into project professional to load the latest enterprise
11) For all projects you want this to effect you will have to open up
the proejct and do a Collaborate>Publish>All Information
12) In PWA you will need to add Starts and Finishes to the Project
Center Views and move the Start and Finish columns to the end since you
cannot remove Start and Finish from the Project Center views. You can
make Start and Finish a fixed width of 1 pixel to hide it.
13) This will now show in Project Center for all projects a Starts and
Finishes column with the date and the day of the week.
Pretty elaborate and I know you were looking for something more
straightforward. I do not know of any.