Project Center View - No projects in grid


Gizmo Gizmo

I seem to have a general problem with the grid that is used to display list
of projects on Project Center. The grid displays very small and no projects
is listed. Same situation is true for Tasks and Resources tab.

I read KB262251 on but nothing applied to this problem.

Any ideas?


Reid McTaggart

Have you published any projects, and do you have proper permissions to view
the projects? Are there any published tasks that are assigned to you?

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]

This can indicate that your workstation has an older version of MDAC or
there is something else standing in the way of your accessing data, perhaps
browser security settings.

Gizmo Gizmo

Hi, i'm logged in as a administrator so i should be able to see both
resources, projects and tasks.

I've verified that there are a few projects published to the database

Have no published tasks assigned to me directly, but even if i create a new
project in professional (without any tasks and assignments), and publish it
to the server i can't see the project in project central.

My guess is that there is a problem with the gridcontrol?

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