Brad Harris
MSP2k7 SP1 Hot Fix
When trying to open up a project from the project server when someone else
has the project checked out, the user is prompted to open up read only or
cancel. When the user selects Read only, everything is good when he closes
the project, however, When the user selects cancel and trys to open the
project after the project is checked back in by the previous person who had
it opened, the user gets an error the he can not open the project because it
is checked out. The server thinks he has it checked out already.
When trying to open up a project from the project server when someone else
has the project checked out, the user is prompted to open up read only or
cancel. When the user selects Read only, everything is good when he closes
the project, however, When the user selects cancel and trys to open the
project after the project is checked back in by the previous person who had
it opened, the user gets an error the he can not open the project because it
is checked out. The server thinks he has it checked out already.