project current date field and moving of completed parts



Hi all,
I'm using option move of completed parts after status date back to status
date. Project uses current date as status date. However by default current
date is current date 8:00am this cause the completed parts of tasks move
before current date 8:00am what practically means it is moved to
yesterday(default start time is 9:00am). I need to have current date set to
current date 17:00am so that completed parts are moved to current day before
17:00. If I set manually the current date to the current date 17:00, it
works ok, but when I open project next day, the current date is set again to
8:00am. Is there a way how to keep the 17:00 as a default time for current
date field?



This post is a little confusing to follow so let me ask you a few questions
first. Are you are using a standard calendar? Check if there a conflict
between your working times in the tools>change working time window and your
resource calendar. Second the status date is set in the project>project
Information window and is set to the close of business for that day again
based on your working time for the project. When you set the status date in
the project information window it will not change from day to day. Last
Question: are you displaying the Status Date Grid Line in the tracking Gantt?


Ok, sorry, I will try to describe more
- Project is using standard project calendar, I changed working time in
standard calendar for all working days from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to
17:00 (default working time started from 8:00)
-Individual resource calendars are based on standard project calendar.
- In tracking gant, I can see the line at the opening of the current day.
Second the status date is set in the project>project
Information window and is set to the close of business for that day again
based on your working time for the project

In my case the current date field in project>project>Information is set to
an opening of the business for that day. I need it exactly as you say.
Working time finish every day at 17:00 for all working days in standard
calendar but in project>project>Information>current date field I still have
time 8:00.

Thanks you for your help

Saratoga píše:


OK, it sounds like your working times are fine but if you only see one grid
line on the Tracking Gantt then you are probably only displaying the current
date. You should also display the "Status Date" Grid line and make sure you
assign it a color or it will not be visible. Go to Format>Gridlines and
scroll down the "line to change" list and select "Status Date". Then under
Normal: select a style and a color. You also need to set the status date in
the Project>Project Information window or it will be N/A.


If I set the field status date in project>project Information, then by
default status date gets time 17:00. I also set up the format of the "Status
Date" grid line and I see it now in the Gantt correctly at 17:00 on status
date. This looks good.
But status date is not changing automatically as time passes. I need time
17:00 for current date.

Thanks a lot for helping.

Saratoga píše:


As far as I know status date is not designed to change automaticaly. Seting
the status date is normaly the first step in the proceess of entering actuals
against your baseline. I normaly update this weekly or when ever I apply the
actuals for the project activity.

I am not able to help you with geting the current date to display at the
close of business. If you were to change this it would most likly through off
all your durations on your project.


ok, I understand. Thanks.

Saratoga píše:
As far as I know status date is not designed to change automaticaly. Seting
the status date is normaly the first step in the proceess of entering actuals
against your baseline. I normaly update this weekly or when ever I apply the
actuals for the project activity.

I am not able to help you with geting the current date to display at the
close of business. If you were to change this it would most likly through off
all your durations on your project.

Mike Glen

Hi Saratoga ,

You can set the Current Date to include the time. After the date, type a
space and 17:00 to get the current date to show at 1700hrs at close of
business. Zoom right in to check the result.

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Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
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