Project Detail Webpart not working, Project Center Views work fine


Andrew Lavinsky

Curious if anyone could point me in the right direction for troubleshooting
this issue:

1) Master project with two subprojects.
2) All views work fine in PWA Project Center.
3) Project Details Webpart on the project site displays the "Project Center
cannot access the project(s) you are trying to view. It is most likely that
you either don't have permissions to view the project, another user has
deleted this project(s) before you were able to view it or that another user
is in the process of publishing the project" message.
4) Message is displayed for all visitors to the project site.
5) Other sites based off the same template work fine.

I've seen some discussion of SQL corruption issues, but would that impact a
single project on a single site and not others?

Also could there be a tie in to the fact that this is a master project?


Gary Chefetz


Can an administrator load the web part correctly? How about when you remove
it from the project site and add it back? A master project typically doesn't
have resources of its own, so I wonder if you need to grant permissions to
this explicitly rather than relying on the internal synch.

Andrew Lavinsky

Thanks for the suggestions, but I tried all of that:

1) Removed Webpart, added Webpart
2) Toggled Webpart to another project (which works fine as I can recall,
but will need to check).
3) Could be a security issue, but I can see the project and views in Project
Center, just not in the Project Details Webpart. (We've identified the Page
Viewer Webpart as a potential workaround which seems to work just fine)
4) Ran the synchronization again.
5) Everyone experiences the same issue on this one workspace, including the

I tried a couple of things to try to replicate this in a DEV environment
- creating files, deleting files, adding/removing webparts, deleting and
recreating sites, breaking and adding links, and still couldn't recreate it.

Any ideas welcome....

- Andrew Lavinsky

Gary Chefetz


Have you tried recreating the Project Workspace? Maybe something funky
happened during provisioning.

Gary Chefetz


I admire your tenacity. Guess I'm more of a punter when I spend that much
time in a rat hole.

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