Project Evaluation Guide Error ??



We are currently evaluating project server 2003 and are having a strange
error when working with the sample database and eval guide. When the first
user "Eva Corets" logs in and attempts to create the project from the AD
template, we do not see the left hand pane (Project Guide), but get the
following error:

The page is attempting to display information from the site
res://shdoclc/syntax.htm#pgcontent://SampMain.htm/. You have not identified
this site as a trusted site in Internet Explorer.

I have made sure that both http://<servername> and http://localhost are part
of the trusted sites for this user (in fact we have tried it with multiple
users and get the same error). We are running Project Server on a
stand-alone Windows 2003 Enterprise Server within a SBS 2003 Domain. We are
using ISA 2004 and IE 6.x

Any help would be greatly appreciated since we can not get past step 1 of
the evaluation without resolving this issue.



Rolly Perreaux

We are currently evaluating project server 2003 and are having a strange
error when working with the sample database and eval guide. When the first
user "Eva Corets" logs in and attempts to create the project from the AD
template, we do not see the left hand pane (Project Guide), but get the
following error:

The page is attempting to display information from the site
res://shdoclc/syntax.htm#pgcontent://SampMain.htm/. You have not identified
this site as a trusted site in Internet Explorer.

I have made sure that both http://<servername> and http://localhost are part
of the trusted sites for this user (in fact we have tried it with multiple
users and get the same error). We are running Project Server on a
stand-alone Windows 2003 Enterprise Server within a SBS 2003 Domain. We are
using ISA 2004 and IE 6.x

Any help would be greatly appreciated since we can not get past step 1 of
the evaluation without resolving this issue.



Hi George,

Are you trying to view PWA evaluation on the same server?
If so, then perhaps the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security
Configuration components is added?

You can view if this component installed at Add/Remove Programs -->
Add/Remove Windows Components.

You may want to remove this if this is an eval server.

Move info on the IE Enhanced Security Configuration can be found at:

Good Luck

Rolly Perreaux
Project Server Trainer/Consultant

IT Summit Series
Advanced Microsoft Technology Training



Thanks for the suggestion, but we had already removed it (I believe it wa
mentioned during the installation instructions of the eval database).
Anyway, thanks for replying.


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