Project Features


Patrick Law


I have a fewrequirements:
1. My users had multiple projects going on with different project schedule.
What they want is to dump all the different project schedule in the MS
Project Server, and this server:- is able to consolidate all the project
schedule like Project 1, Project 2, Project 3 and from there, all the
engineer will go to the MS Project Server to see their schedule milestones,
and the Server will also be able to send them alert that certain project is
going to be behind the schedule soon.

2. We have multiple project managers managing different projects. A detailed
project schedule would be created by each of these project managers on their
desk top.
As resources (e.g. tools, machines, rooms) are shared, we would need to link
them to each project.
Any adjustment on any project would affect the availability of the shared
Would the MS Project linked to the MS Project Server be able to auto
capture, update or alert the affect task?

3. We would have certain part of a project fabricated by another separate
department and they will created a project schedule on MS project monitored
by the department. Upon completion this items will be handed over to another
department for further works.
Can we link the process across 2 different project schedule?
Will adjustment done on one file be translated to the second file?

Can Project Server provide such features?

What are the different components are needed to achieve this? (Project
Server / Project Professional / Project Portfolio Server?)


Marc Soester [MVP]

Hi Patrick,

I will try to answer your feature requirements:

Feature 1: yes. I wouldnt necessarily call it "dump" project scheudles into
Project Server, but actually managing the schedules in project server, but
generally yes.

Feature 2: yes. This is called global resource managment and works a little
different then you described, but generally yes.

Feature 3: Yes. This is called "external task managment", meaning that you
can link different tasks of different projects together allowing you to
manage external project dependency. Please note, schedules need to be
generally managed in Project Server to allow this feature, but once again yes

In order to achieve these features, you will need project server and MS
project professional.

i hope this answers your questions

Patrick Law

Hi Marc,

Thanks for your reply. For the b/m features, may I know are they available
out of the box? Or need to be customized by experienced programmers /


Patrick Law

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