Project file size increased



Hi All,

I have some "offline" projects. (I mean projects in file system, not in SQL
server). I recognized their original size ( a couple houndred kilobytes)
suddenly increased above 10 megabytes! I can't understand, why?

I checked my global templates so I have some questions now:
1. Enterpriese global template has size 10 MBs. (I have especially nothing
in it, I think). In my opinion, it is a bit huge size. How can I check,
what is involved to EP global template and how many place they take? (local
Global.mpt only 5k).
2. Is there a way to "shrink" both of the global templates?
3. How to "reset" the EP Global template to its original size?

(I use MS Office ProjectServer2003 and MS Office Project Professional 2003)



Dale Howard [MVP]

Support --

If you can help this person, then why don't you post the answer in the
newsgroup so that everyone can benefit? This newsgroup is a forum where we
all help one another publicly. I would suggest you start posting some real
answers instead of merely advertising your services.

support said:
I am from the MS Project / Project Server 2002/2003 support department at and we would be happy to assist
you in resolving your issue.

Mike Glen

Hi Szabiti,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

If you suspect a corrupt file, you could try the suggestions in FAQ Item:
43. File Bloat? - Might be Corruption.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

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