Money is not a resource - it is what you use to buy resources.
Resources are the people and equipment that do the work on the Project's
tasks or the materials such as fuel, film, or lumber that are consumed
and incorporated into the task's deliverables. You could set up dollars
as a material, I suppose, but that still wouldn't completely do what you
want since material resources are considered to be in infinite supply -
you can record how many you used but the stockpile doesn't get reduced
in the process - there's always more when you need them.
Project is oriented to scheduling work, not finances. The costs in
Project are bottom-up budgets - predictions of what something will cost,
not top-down limits on how much you're allowed to spend. You'll have
better luck tracking expenditures versus reserves in an accounting
system or Excel if the needs aren't too complex.
Steve House
MS Project MVP
Visit for the FAQs
JCAMP said:
How do I set up a Resource Sheet that allows me to designate certain
"pots" of money to be used for specific aspects of my project(s)? For
Example, say I have $2000 for Research and Development tasks, $5000 to
procure an item or items, and $10,000 for Maintenance of the item