"Project Health" Graphical Indicator


Jason M

How do I go about defining a graphical indicator to identify "Project
Health"? I'd prefer it to be a pull-down list under Project Information.

Dale Howard [MVP]

Jason -

You would need to create a custom enterprise Project field or outline code
in the Enterprise Global file for this purpose. If you want a simple pick
list in the field, you could use a custom enterprise project Text field for
this purpose. If you want to see the information in Portfolio Analyzer
views, you would need to use a custom enterprise project outline code for
this purpose. To create either of the above, begin with the following

1. Open the Enterprise Global for editing
2. Click Tools - Customize - Enterprise Fields
3. Select the Project option at the top of the dialog
4. Select Text as the type of field
5. Rename the Field to Project Health
6. Click the Value List button and create your value list

If you wish to create an outline code, you will need to do steps #1-2 above,
then select the Outline Codes tab, select the Project option, build your
code mask for the field, and then build your lookup table for the field.
After creating either of the above, save and close the Enterprise Global,
and then exit Microsoft Project Professional. When you relaunch the
software, you can access this new field. Your PM's would need to set this
value in every existing project using Project - Project Information. Hope
this helps.

Reid McTaggart

To get a graphical indicator, such as a Red/Yellow/Green "stoplight," you
have to use a Custom Field. If you want to use a Custom Outline Code to
drive an indicator, then it gets just a bit trickier.

Also, you are not limited to using a Text field, although Text fields have
some distinct advantages where graphical indicators are concerned.

Finally, to actually create the indicators, after you have set up your value
list, click the Graphical Indicators button at the bottom of the Customize
fields dialog box. In the Test field, choose Equals. In the Value(s) field,
enter a value from the list you just defined. In the Image field, select the
indicator you want from the drop-down list.




If you want some detailed steps on creating the graphical indicators, I have
a set of instructions that I wrote for another user. It shows how to create
the graphical indicators using a formula, but it can be adjusted to use a
drop-down field.

(e-mail address removed)

Angie Todd [MSFT]

Hi Mike - could you send me these instructions that you speak of below?


Mike Glen

Hi Angie,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

You might like to have a look at my series on Microsoft Project in the
TechTrax ezine, particularly #14 & 15 Customizing Fields, at this site:
http://tinyurl.com/2xbhc or this:
(Perhaps you'd care to rate the article before leaving the site, :)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <http://www.mvps.org/project/>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

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