project hierarchy lost with new view


Robert Juarez

So I created a view with a filter that would only display tasks that were
marked as milestones for the project. The problem is that when I go to this
view in PWA it displays the proper tasks, but no hierarchy is displayed. I
want it to display with the same sort of view that you see on the "Tasks
Summary" view. How do I create the view with the proper hierarchy displayed?

Dale Howard [MVP]

Robert --

If you examine the setup of the Tasks Summary view, you will see that the
View includes the ID field and sorting is then applied on that field. If
you include the ID field in your custom view and sort on it, you should get
the desired result. Hope this helps.

Robert Juarez

No luck...I went in and looked at the Tasks Summary and set up my
"Milestones" view the exact same way. The only difference that I can see is
my milestone view has a filter to filter on Milestone = Yes, whereas the
Tasks Summary view doesn't have any filters. It now sorts by ID in ascending
order, but I still only see the task names in the "Task Name" column, whereas
in the Tasks Summary view it gives me the top-level tasks which I can
collapse/uncollapse. in the current "Milestones" view I have no way of
telling which top-level task the milestones are under. Any other ideas?

Gary Chefetz


The view is complying with the filter that you set. You should consider
creating and Enterprise Custom Task Field to indicate that you want the item
to appear in the view, and use this as your filter criteria instead.

Robert Juarez

I'm not sure what you mean here...what would my custom task field be set to -
just formula = [Milestone]? I don't see how that would fix my view problem.
Thanks in advance for the advice.

Gary Chefetz


For instance, if you had a flag field that indicated whether the task should
appear in the view, you could use that, instead of testing for milestone,
which doesn't return the data you want. This way you can mark both summary
tasks and milestones. Does that help you understand the approach?

Robert Juarez said:
I'm not sure what you mean here...what would my custom task field be set
to -
just formula = [Milestone]? I don't see how that would fix my view
Thanks in advance for the advice.

Gary Chefetz said:

The view is complying with the filter that you set. You should consider
creating and Enterprise Custom Task Field to indicate that you want the
to appear in the view, and use this as your filter criteria instead.

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