Kahuna --
This is a good question. As a consultant, I am required to say, "It

Truthfully, the naming convention your organization should
use depends entirely on what types of enterprise projects your PMs manage.
Are your projects internal only, or are they external projects for clients?
If the projects are internal, you could consider a naming convention that
includes the department name plus the name of the project. If they are for
clients, you could include the client name plus the name of the project,
plus any other relevant information, such as some type of tracking number.
Many years ago, I worked with a client that produced all types of
blow-molded plastic bottles for customers. The client's naming convention
for enterprise projects was as follows:
Customer Name + Capacity of the Bottle in Fluid Ounces + SAP Tracking Number
I liked this naming convention because it gave the executives an easy way to
separate projects in the Project Center page in PWA. This is just an idea
for you. I trust the others in this newsgroup will have good ideas for you
as well. Hope this helps.