Project Information Order



Is there a way to "custom order" the Project Information section in MSP
Client? It currently orders and groups each field by the type of field
(Outline Codes, Text fields, Number fields, etc...) We would like to
re-order this section to improve our data entry process so we do not have to
scroll up and down within this section to enter the project information. In
other words we would like to order this based on the name or use of the field
and not the true field name.


Mark Everett | PMP

Leslie -

In the "old" days, you could, as the order that they were entered and
saved to the Enterprise Global became the order, but that changed at
some point.

The entry order now is Enterprise Outline Codes first, then Enterprise
Custom Fields.

This becomes a training issue or an opportunity to extend Project
Server by using a Web form project initiation, where you can control
the order in which the fields appear.

Hope this helps,
Mark Everett

Dale Howard [MVP]

Leslie --

I do not believe there is a way to change the order of the fields in this
dialog. Sorry.


Thanks for the info...however in your last statement I'm not sure I
understand completely.

"This becomes a training issue or an opportunity to extend Project
Server by using a Web form project initiation, where you can control
the order in which the fields appear."

Does this mean there is a way this can be done by using a Web Form project
initiation? I have no clue what this means...can you elaborate?


Mark Everett | PMP

Leslie - I wasn't trying to be obtuse, but I am not a developer and
this takes developer skills, but I worked with a client recently who
had a web based project initiation form - basic workflow. Many of the
Project Level custom fields and outline codes are referenced in the
form, grouped in a logical order, along with help text. The form, when
completed, is sent to the PMO (though it could be a Project Server
Admin or other function / person) who generates the project from an
approved template. The project level fields are picked up by the form.

They explored using InfoPath, but didn't go that route, instead using
web forms and PDS calls.

Hope this helps,
Mark Everett


Hi Leslie --

Re: Mark's feedback on web form project initiation... I've recently
worked on a Project Server implementation in which we developed a
web-based tool for project initiation. It allows Project Managers to
either (a) complete an online form -- with custom fields formatted and
ordered per the client's requirements -- or (b) upload a
specially-created MS Excel file which is essentially a form that is
completed offline. Either path in the workflow results in the creation
of a new project schedule with custom fields populated, a new
SharePoint site, and documents with pre-populated project data
generated and uploaded to the new SharePoint site. However, throughout
the execution of the project, Project Managers need to change the
project metadata (fields & codes) from time to time, so they still need
to deal with the order of the metadata in the Project Information
dialog box (and PWA). In addition to the order of the data, they also
need to be educated about which fields require user entry / selection,
and which fields are calculated.

Re: Changing the order of the fields in the Project Information
dialog... the order is determined by the numbering scheme of the
outline codes & fields (Enterprise Project Outline Code 1, EPOC2,
EPOC3, etc.), and this cannot be altered. The only way around this is
to change which outline codes & fields you are using for what purposes
(i.e. swap EPOC1 and EPOC3)... but if you have training, documentation,
and reporting already developed based on the original code / field
ordering scheme, then this is probably not a viable option.

Good luck!

Tony Zink


Hi Leslie --

Re: Mark's feedback on web form project initiation... I've recently
worked on a Project Server implementation in which we developed a
web-based tool for project initiation. It allows Project Managers to
either (a) complete an online form -- with custom fields formatted and
ordered per the client's requirements -- or (b) upload a
specially-created MS Excel file which is essentially a form that is
completed offline. Either path in the workflow results in the creation
of a new project schedule with custom fields populated, a new
SharePoint site, and documents with pre-populated project data
generated and uploaded to the new SharePoint site. However, throughout
the execution of the project, Project Managers need to change the
project metadata (fields & codes) from time to time, so they still need
to deal with the order of the metadata in the Project Information
dialog box (and PWA). In addition to the order of the data, they also
need to be educated about which fields require user entry / selection,
and which fields are calculated.

Re: Changing the order of the fields in the Project Information
dialog... the order is determined by the numbering scheme of the
outline codes & fields (Enterprise Project Outline Code 1, EPOC2,
EPOC3, etc.), and this cannot be altered. The only way around this is
to change which outline codes & fields you are using for what purposes
(i.e. swap EPOC1 and EPOC3)... but if you have training, documentation,
and reporting already developed based on the original code / field
ordering scheme, then this is probably not a viable option.

Good luck!

Tony Zink

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