Project isn't responding to force check-in in MS Project Server 2007 and queue is frozen



Plus several saves and publishes are stacked up in the queue waiting
to be processed. Two out of three times, when I open the project
from the client, it forces "read only". I've checked the MSO Project
Server Queue Service on the server and its "started".

As MSPROJECTEXPERTS has suggested, I've gone in and deleted all
folders/files under:

C:\Documents and Settings\userid\Application Data\Microsoft\MS Project

But things still appear to be in limbo. What in the world do I need
to do to kick start this thing back again? Is this all part of pre-
SP1 issues?

Andy Novak


Plus several saves and publishes are stacked up in the queue waiting
to be processed. Two out of three times, when I open the project
from the client, it forces "read only". I've checked the MSO Project
Server Queue Service on the server and its "started".

As MSPROJECTEXPERTS has suggested, I've gone in and deleted all
folders/files under:

C:\Documents and Settings\userid\Application Data\Microsoft\MS Project

But things still appear to be in limbo. What in the world do I need
to do to kick start this thing back again? Is this all part of pre-
SP1 issues?

Andy Novak

I RE-started the queue service (although it appeared to be up) and
that seemed to fix the problem.

Dale Howard [MVP]

Andy --

As you have now learned by experience, the Queue is a troublesome little
fella that you have to restart occasionally. :) Hope this helps.

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]

Restarting the queue dumps the stuck jobs and your ability to understand
what you're dumping. A better strategy is to asses what is going on so you
can take corrective action. Andy, this post overlaps with a previous one,
You need to try to keep the threads together otherwise it's difficult to
respond to you.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
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