Project Locked


Wicked Wizard

I have spent the afternoon working on a template, building a user form to
collect data and then I came to test it. It fell over (don't they always)
so I started the VBA editor to examine the code. I got a message "Project
is unviewable".

So I created another template and form, saved it in its neonatal state and
tried again. Same error.

Third time I checked the project properties: locked for viewing is NOT
selected. So I continued and got the same error. Can't be my code 'cos
there isn't any, nor are there any controls or labels or anything else on
the form.

Doesn't look like the VBA editor is the problem as I have no problem
accessing the code I have in - though I am reluctant to push it
too hard in case I lose access to that.

Can anyone suggest what the problem might be, and, better still, how to
correct it?

Jay Freedman

Hi Wiz,

To be able to see the code project in any template, either that template
must be open for editing, or a document based on that template must be open.
( is always open, so you can always see its code.)

To open the template itself, use File > Open and navigate to the Templates
folder; or, in Windows Explorer, right-click the template and choose Open
instead of New.

Wicked Wizard

The file was open, and the project was listed. Still I could not access the


Wicked Wizard

Actually, since then I've used a different machine to create the VBA. When
I subsequently transfer the file to my work machine, everything functions
normally. So I am guessing that something is going wrong when the original
code is created. I've mirrored the process with a colleague who works in a
similar situation with an identical machine, in case there was something in
our company's W2000 policies that was preventing editing macros, but his
functioned normally. Also, I have no problems with VBA in PPT and Outlook.
So I guess it is something peculiar to the way Word is creating VBA - and
only now, because previously everything worked normally.


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