project management courseware


need help

Does anybody know where I can purchase good project
management courseware.

We want to teach some of our folks how to use MSProject
but will need to give a crash course on project
management first. I have been asked to identify the
courseware to teach project management, but can't find
anything. Anybody has any idea?


Steve House [MVP]

Sybex's book "IT Project + Study Guide" by Heldman and Cram is a good
overview, esepcially if you're in the IT industry. It's oriented toward
preparing for the Comptia certification exam but still is a good general
discussion of PM principles with application regardless of the industry
you're in. Element K Press has courseware available to prep for both the
Comptia IT Project + and the PMP exams that could be useful as well, albeit
somewhat limited in scope. All of these require between 5 to 10 class days
to deliver the material. Element K also has courseware for a 1-day "Project
Management Fundamentals" course but it is very light-weight in my opinion.
As a preliminary day before 2 or 3 days training on MS Project it's ok but
about all it really does is expose the students to some basic vocabulary and
general PM concepts.

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