Project Manager Sharepoint Rights



Hi all,

A quick question that I can't seem to find a quick answer for... I don't
think it's an odd one to ask and I expect i'm missing something obvious but
if anyone can help, please do so :)

My Project Managers would like to be able to add users to their project
sharepoint sites and assign them to different groups (contributors, designers
etc). The problem is that the Project Managers site group (that Project
Server sticks them in) does not allow them this manage right. Even If I set
the right at a template level then the rights still do not appear on the
individual sites created.

I can't see anything in PWA rights that would allow them this access other
than 'manage sharepoint services'. Since this makes them a web administrator
I'm not liking that idea!


PM's should be able to do this be default. So could you please check
- In PWA -> Manage Windows SharePoint Services -> Site Provisioning
Settings. Make sure that the two options for automatically adding
project users to the site are selected.
- In PWA -> Manage Windows SharePoint Services -> Managae SharePoint
Sites. Select one of the sites and click Synchronize.

Go to the SharePoint Site with PM's windows account. Go to Site Settings
-> Manage Users.

This should be available for the PM and you should be able to add users.

If not, let us know so we can help you to find a solution.



Hello Guidho,

Thanks for responding to my question.

I can confirm that both boxes are ticked and that even after the site
syncronisation the problem still exisits. When clicking on site settings ->
site administration -> edit users or edit groups I get the authorisation box
come up asking for credentials.

I have also taken a second look at the MS Admin guides (after you said this
should be allowed by default) and it does state that 'Web Administrators' can
edit site groups and add users to those groups but that the 'Project
Managers' site group gets designer rights which do not seem to allow for site
groups/users to be modified? It's on page 140 (ish). It's probably just a
case of the doc's not being clear i guess..

Any other ideas?



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