Project manager vs Resource manager



I have this example in EPM 2007

a project manager PM creates a project p1 .in this project he define a
task t1 and create a team made of one resourece manager RM then he
publish and exit .RM can add more member to the team of the project in
fact he adds R1 and R2. then he saves and exits. the PM reopens P1
assign R1 and R2 to t1 set R1 as assignement owner for the tow
resource R1 and R2. Pm pulish p1
R1 receives 2 assignements in "My tasks" he makes updates and submits.
it is good until now!
But the PM receive only one update!! other update is received by RM .
Why???? I want that Pm receive the 2 updates!

Dale Howard [MVP]

med111 --

Insert the Status Manager field in in the Task Usage view. Make sure that
PM1 is specified as the Status Manager for every task/assignment. If not,
change it to PM1 and then click File - Publish. Let us know if this helps.


After adding Status Manager , the list of Status Manager contain both
PM and RM. If we force PM as Status Manager, the PM receive the 2
updates. but if we don't force it, PM receive randomly only one

Dale Howard [MVP]

med111 --

This definitely sounds like the RM in question opened the project, assigned
the new resources to the tasks, and then published the project. Why doesn't
the RM use the Build Team feature in the Project Center page instead? That
would eliminate this problem entirely. Just a thought.


Yes, it seems to work, but in this case the RM hasn't the possibility
to assign a ressource to a task (in the global solution, the RM should
have the ability to assign a resource to a task). I know it is not
possible throw PWA to do this. Is it?

Dale Howard [MVP]

med111 --

No, it is not possible for a Resource Manager to assign resources to tasks
in PWA. Therefore, your RM must use the Microsoft Project Professional
desktop application for this, but he/she should NOT publish the project.
Hope this helps.


Another question, please :
Why should not the RM publish the project?
thank you a lot.



the RM has no permission to publish and the status manager should be
set to the appropriate manager (in this case the resource manager) I
made a macro to set the value of the statusProjectName for all tasks.
and it works fine now.

Thank you Dale for all your support, it was very helpfull

Dale Howard [MVP]

med111 --

Thanks for your patience and persistance while we worked together to solve
the problem. :) Good idea about using the macro to set the Status Manager!

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