Project Managers Don't See Project Files on Project Server



When I publish a project to project server 2007 and other project members in
the same group as myself go to look for those projects on project server they
don't see them unless I explicitly add them as resource with an assigned task
in the project file. We did not have this problem on 2003. I'm sure we're
simply missing a setting here. Any ideas?

Dale Howard [MVP]

Seann --

The default permissions in Project Server 2007 only allow PMs to see their
own projects, that is, projects which they manage and projects in which they
are a team member. These were the default permissions in Project Server
2003 as well, so that means that someone changed the default permissions in
your 2003 system. To change the permissions in 2007 to allow all PMs to see
all projects, your Project Server administrator should edit the My Projects
category in PWA and select the "All current and future projects..." option
in the Projects section of the page. Hope this helps.

Dennin Smith

I would go to your server settings page and then check the category that is
associated with the project managers group. The settings on the categories
page determines who sees what with regards to things like projects and
resources. There are few options. It might also depend on if your security
template, group and categories were configured correctly.
On the category page it is probably set to allow team members of the project
to see the project which is why when they are added to the project team they
can see the project. check the setting for people on the same RBS level. Is
your RBS set up?

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