It sounds like the custom field values are not getting published. Try
adding a new task and setting the values. If they show up in PWA, then we
know that's the issue. If so, then do the following.
In Project Pro, change the following option.
Go to Tools, Options, Collaborate tab.
Under the Publish New and Changed Assignments section about two-thirds of
the way down, change the check box to Any task information changes.
This way, if you change a custom field and nothing else for a given task,
that task will now be republished and you will see the custom information in
Also note, local (non-enterprise) custom fields are visible in PWA with some
caveats. We've used this technique to allow a given department to have their
own custom views to prevent custom field pollution in the Enterprise Global
with information that is not common to all departments. It works well as
long as you have an enterprise outline code for the project owning
organization in order to filter the project view and if you follow the
caveats below. In our case, we have a project template defined by department
to enforce standardization of the local (non-enterprise) custom field
- First, only Task 0 Project Summary Task non-enterprise custom field values
are visible in the Project Center views.
- Second, the non-enterprise custom fields have to have the same name and
defined values for all projects in the view or PWA will list each differently
defined non-enterprise custom field as a separate column in the view. This
will occur for each non-enterprise custom field instance where the
definitions differ between projects. In one case, 10 custom fields resulted
in 37 columns due to definition differences.
For example, if AAA project uses Text1 for Business Analyst and the other
project BBB doesn't use Text1, then you will see the following in PWA.
Project Name Text1 Business Analyst
AAA Project Joe Smith
BBB Project
CCC Project Jane Doe
If you filter the view to see only projects where the non-enterprise custom
field definitions are the same, the view will appear correctly. So, you will
see the following columns.
Project Name Business Analyst
AAA Project Joe Smith
CCC Project Jane Doe
- Third, all other custom task information is available via Project views
- Last, the publish setting must be set as to publish a task if any
information changes. Otherwise, custom field changes only to a task will not
trigger a republish.