You're post is a little confusing for a few reasons:
1) .mpp files are not really published to the server - you can import one to the server but not publish it directly. Maybe it's just a terminology thing - but the actual steps to publish a plan are very different from opening a file.
2) When you open project plans from the server you're not opening files anymore - you're opening the plan from a database.
Unfortunately, because I'm not sure what you're doing I don't know how to resolve your hanging problem. However, now that we're past some terminology and semantics try this:
1) Open project professional and connect to the server
2) on the Tools menu select Enterprise Options>Import Project to Enterprise...
3) select your .mpp file from the file open dialog box
4) walk through the rest of the steps to import the plan
5) on the Collaborate menu select Publish All
Hope that helps.
I have a peculiar problem of some project plans (.mpp files) that were
published on the server not opening. The MS project client professional hangs
when I try to open these couple of files.
I am using MS Project Enterprise Server on Windows Server 2003 OS