Project Portfolio Server 2007 setting the user password expiration


Marcello Tonarelli

Microsoft Project Portfolio Server 2007 ask to change the user password
often. Where is the setting to arrange the change user password expiration
days value ?


Marcello Tonarelli

I have found the setting value for the password expiration in Settings /
Account Management / Account Management / Edit Account, but i dont'understand
the difference from Accounts and Users.

Nico Oosthuysen

Its a bit of a difficult one for me too, don't worry. Basically, accounts
are like instances - each account would typically link up to a seperate
account database.

users are like actual, normal users.

Thus, your account expiration setting in Accounts would not pertain to
users, only to Accounts.


Hi Marcello:

I have the same problem being asked to change the password frequently. I
have gone through the account setting page but couldn't find where to change
the password expiry settings.

Could you please advice which Field Name on the Account Settings screen?


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