Project Pro view info in DB?


Kris R.

Several people on the team here believe that information about which Project
Pro views (and the tables they are based on) are defined for each project
(including the Enterprise Global) is stored somewhere in the project server

However, I can find nothing that appears to be related to this information.
I have looked at the data reference HTM file for the project server
database, and can find nothing related to project pro views.

Would this data be in the Reserved_Binary_Data field in MSP_Projects,
perhaps? If so, can I get at this view information?


Kris R.

Kris R.

Well, what I'm finding so far is that, yes, the data is in the database, but
no, you can't get at it via SQL, because it's in the Reserved_Binary_Data
field (MSP_Projects table). Data in this field is ONLY accessible when the
project is opened in Pro.

The MSP_WEB_VIEW* tables are for PWA views, not Project Pro views, AFAIK.

The ProjDB.htm document does not include those tables, so I'm only going by
what I see in them, and past experience.



Oh, I thought since you were talking about pwa views.
If you are talking about views like the gantt view etc. then you are
correct. They are not something you can access through the database (or if
you can it is not documented). If you want to do something with them you
will have to go through Project (using VBA) rather than with the database.


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