project professional 2007 "cheat sheet" or quick-start glossy outthere?



We have an Outlook glossy quick-start / cheat sheet - whatever you
want to call it - that has everything you pretty much need to know to
get around in the application without having to read a book. A
company, which I can't recall offhand, makes it but when I checked
with them a while back, they did not make one for Project Professional

Can anyone recommend something out there that exists (preferably that
accommodates users with Project Server on the back end)?

MSPROJECTEXPERTS - do you guys have anything we can purchase?

Andy Novak


We have an Outlook glossy quick-start / cheat sheet - whatever you
want to call it - that has everything you pretty much need to know to
get around in the application without having to read a book.   A
company, which I can't recall offhand, makes it but when I checked
with them a while back, they did not make one for Project Professional

Can anyone recommend something out there that exists (preferably that
accommodates users with Project Server on the back end)?

MSPROJECTEXPERTS - do you guys have anything we can purchase?

Andy Novak

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