Project Professional doesnt publish tasks to PWA



my company has recently installed Project 2003 Server on thier network, and
i have installed the Project Professional 2003 on my machine, i have
configured it to use the Project Server and the connection testing works
fine, when i try and publish my projects i get an error message in the
spooler (error number 0x80004005), when i searched for a solution on the
microsoft web site, it was written that the error was due to not enough
permissions to access the ViewDrop folder, and it instructed me on what to
do. I did that and still the same error kept poping up, the Projects plan
gets published, but the tasks are never assigned to the resources, so they
aer never notified.
can you please help me out here.

Gary L. Chefetz \(MVP\)


This is most certainly a rights issue, however the ViewDrop permissions
isn't the only cause, but it's the most common. Another is that your account
doesn't have the necessary group membership. You must be a member of the
Project Managers or Administrator's group to take this action. There are
other possibilities as well. Can anyone publish? Are you the only one having
this problem?


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
"We wrote the books on Project Server"



i am currently testing the software for the company, no user can publish,
not even the administrator, i created a new manager with all the previliges
just to make sure, and it gave me the same problem, no tasks are are being
uploaded to the PWA, so no resources are being notified, also when i click
the project in the PWA's projects section, it gives me an empty page saying
this project is empty!!
can you please help me, i need to get this software running but i dont know


I had the same problem but i finally could get it work. What i did wrong in
my case is that when i applied the Project server SP1, i was asked to update
the database, but i did not do it for all the project server databases.
Updating all the databases solved the problem and now i am able to publish
everything including tasks without having the system error. I hope this will


"omar" a écrit :

Gary L. Chefetz \(MVP\)


Can you post the corresponding errors from the server event log? They may
shed more light. As I said, this can be caused by many different issues
which is amply illustrated by Fouad's reply.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
"We wrote the books on Project Server"


Brian K - Project MVP

omar said:
my company has recently installed Project 2003 Server on thier
network, and i have installed the Project Professional 2003 on my
machine, i have configured it to use the Project Server and the
connection testing works fine, when i try and publish my projects i
get an error message in the spooler (error number 0x80004005), when i
searched for a solution on the microsoft web site, it was written
that the error was due to not enough permissions to access the
ViewDrop folder, and it instructed me on what to do. I did that and
still the same error kept poping up, the Projects plan gets
published, but the tasks are never assigned to the resources, so they
aer never notified. can you please help me out here.

You might also try this:

Brian K
Project MVP

Project Server Consultant


thanks for the link, but it applies to projcet server 2002 with SP1 i
haveproject server 2003, and where can i find the servers logs?? i seem to
have forgotten where they are.

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