Project Schedule Abends Upon Save / Publish


Ernie Longino

I am experiencing an issue in which I am unable to save one of our largest
time keeping schedules. Without fail, the project schedule abends with an
error stating that Project has encountered a problem and needs to close.
(This is the error message that allows one to forward an error report to

I've tried everything from saving offline to republishing a single task, to
updating hours to the schedule. I get the same abend everytime Project
attempts to save the schedule.

Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.

I am running Project Server 2003 SP2.

Ernie Longino

Additional detail:

When I attempt to update hours to the schedule, I get the following error in

Error updating to Project

Project cannot be fully opened because it is awaiting your input. Either
continue with the input process until Project is fully running or quit
Project and click update again.

I have the project schedule open and do not see any errors or messages
indicating that it is awaiting a reply from me???


Additional detail:

When I attempt to update hours to the schedule, I get the following error in

Error updating to Project

Project cannot be fully opened because it is awaiting your input.  Either
continue with the input process until Project is fully running or quit
Project and click update again.

I have the project schedule open and do not see any errors or messages
indicating that it is awaiting a reply from me???

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Hi Ernie,

Do you getting any exception error? Close the PWA and could you try to
open from MS Project Professional?


Ernie Longino


Thanks for replying ...

Project doesn't return an exception error. There are no errors / alerts in
the Project Spooler. Nor does it log an issue / error in the event log on
the project server.

All I receive is the Project Application Abend and the PWA error mentioned


Ernie Longino

Also, I can open the schedule in Project and manipulate tasks without issue,
but the application abends at any point in which a save is initiated; whether
by the application, i.e. republishing a task, or manually (including Save



Also, I can open the schedule in Project and manipulate tasks without issue,
but the application abends at any point in which a save is initiated; whether
by the application, i.e. republishing a task, or manually (including Save


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Hi Ernie,

I didn't get any clue as you said there was no error number or

I suggest you to verify tasks in Gantt chart, Is there any circular
references? Also see the work numbers. (Sometimes I see the negative
hours or huge number of hours cause the errors)

Also see the Resource Sheet and verify all the rows and Is there any
blank rows?

Let's see other folks say anything on this form.

If you didn't figured out anything at end, I suggest to export plan to
XML format and import back to the server. Most of the time, this
process eliminates project corrption.


Jackson T. Cole

Are you initiating "Update ..." from PWA or MS Project Pro.? If from PWA,
the "hold" message might mean a field in Professional is open for edit, or
some other menu item is active.

Anyway, my last site saw this in its biggest project, about 3000 tasks,
and Export/Import was the only way to get back to normal. Then, it would
recur in a few months! :>( Good Luck!

FWIW ...


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